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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pictures From Our Apartment and FIRESIDE

Pictures of the city of Frankfurt from our apartment on the 11th floor. The steeple in the distance is probably the Catholic church from which we hear bells ringing on the hour. We have a clear view of the Europe Area Office and the Church building where we attend church. We can see if anyone is in our office. Speaking of clear views, this sunny day is one to be enjoyed because it is usually overcast and drizzily.                                              

Sunday, Feb 15, 2015 before the FIRESIDE given by Elder and Sister Hallstrom, of the General Presidency of the Seventy, with the Europe Area Presidency (Teixeiras, Kearons, Dyches). 

The Europe Area Missionaries: 
(Back Row L to R) Gordon Smith, Ken Matheson, Dale Greenwood, Denis Hawkins, Mike Moyes, Helmut Franz, Dan Baker, Keith Saunders, Lynn Bangerter, Keith Johnson, Richard Riggs, Edbert Dittmar, John Sharpe, Jim Gibson, Steve Kimball, Michael Harrison, Steven Biddulph, Lowell Castleton, Bruno Vassel, Randall Ryser. 

(Middle Row L to R) Leslie Feil (photographer), Margit Ezard, Jean Jensen, Marlene Matheson, Janice Purdy, Jackie Hawkins, Marlene Moyes, Ginger Franz, Edith Baker, Judith Saunders, Eileen Bangerter, Carol Johnson, Debra Riggs, Pamela Dittmar, Evonne Sharpe, Betty Gibson, Margot Kimball, Clyda Harrison, Elaine Biddulph, Marsha Castleton, Carolyn Vassel, Katy Ryser.

(Front Row L to R) Dianne Feil, Sharon Greenwood, June Smith, Jill Dyches, President Timothy Dyches (2nd C from Reno NV), Jennifer Kearon, President Patrick Kearon (1st C from England), Diane Hallstrom, Elder Donald Hallstrom (Pres'cy of Seventy), President Jose Teixeira (Area Pres from Portugal), Filomena Teixeira, Julie Johansen, Armand Johansen (Exec Sec), James Hanks, Rosemary Hanks.

Note: Pam & Ed Dittmar have been long-time friends of ours since they moved into our Provo Ward years ago. Then they spent 5-6 years at the Hill Cumorah Pageant with us so she could work on the costume staff when I was the costume designer. When we arrived in Frankfurt they picked us up from the airport...was it ever good to be greeted by much loved friends after our long journey!!! How amazing that we are both on missions here together! It is wonderful to be able to see them now so often because we haven't seen them much during the past few years because they moved from Provo to Idaho a few years ago. 

1 comment:

Jim Rawson said...

So glad you are enjoying your mission. Can hardly wait to retire and do full time missionary work!