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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Monday, 13 Days in Frankfurt

Monday, Feb 23, 2015 brought our first snow storm, but it didn't stick to the ground. This is not the Germany that I had imagined.

Saturday was the 1 year anniversary of the accident which dislocated my left shoulder and set me on an unexpected year's journey of recuperation, including much time spent with doctor's visits, physical therapy and exercise. Months ago I never dreamed that at the one year point, my shoulder would still be sore, stiff and weak. Frustrating, big time! But the journey must continue! 

So far, I haven't found a place to work out, so I'm just going to have to do my own thing with the Zumba recordings that Merrill downloaded for me and the exercise bands I brought. About all of the exercise other people get around here is walking which is just not enough for me. I've started walking down the 11 floors of our apartment building, and up/down the 4 floors of the office building. A group of the Sisters go walking in the HUGE city cemetary nearby, so I'll join them.

Today, we went to the regular 9 am Devotional for Church employees/Missionaries, then attended a technology training from Jens. At that point, my brain was on overload and my body ached so I returned to the apartment for a nap. I didn't feel well most of last week and stayed home for a few days. I hope I get over this soon or I will have used up all of the "potions" that I brought here. We rarely get sick but this past week has been a struggle for me.

Since we don't have internet connection in our apartment, we have to go to the office in order to make phone calls or use the computer. We haven't yet gotten our cell phones going except for the one we were given by the office for use here. Ken's cell phone from home has died. We are scheduled for the hook up of internet in our apartment on March 6th, then we can be more free. How in the world did we ever get so dependant upon the internet????

We have a CD player/radio which has been interesting to listen to: the commentary is in German, but most of the music is in English, some of which I've never heard before. It's been years since I've heard Elton John's "Lion King." Today I was surprised to hear "Short People," sung by a group not nearly as good as the Kings Singers, but it still made me happy to hear it! 

I have lots of photos to share, but I am still trying to figure out how to get them from one device to another. Help! Merrill, I need you!!! I guess a written blog is better than nothing. 

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