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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Schonbusch Palace

Saturday, June 20, 2015 
I am amazed at how much there is to see just within an hour's drive in any direction from Frankfurt!

After visiting Mespelbrunn Castle on this Saturday, we went with Elder Gordon & Sister June Smith to Aschaffenburg to see the Schloss Schonbusch.

They loved our selfie stick and got one for themselves shortly after this trip.

This lovely, comparatively small home was built between 1778 to 1782 as a summer residence for the Archbishop of Mainz, Friedrich Carl von Erthal. 

Schonbusch Park is one of the earliest landscape gardens in Germany.

A clever rotating bridge to maintain some privacy.

The Archbishop had his deer park redesigned in the formal English landscape style, which was becoming very popular at the time. 

We were the only visitors at the time, so we got a private tour, in the best English this very kind tour guide could muster. 

There were fireplaces in many of the rooms, but they were all for decoration only since this was solely a summer home.

This bed looks very cozy, although it doesn't look very soft! The table here is beautifully inlaid wood.

Such lovely rooms which are carefully maintained! Most of the rooms had cloth wall coverings which matched the furniture. Notice the ornate gold moldings. 

It was all so very lovely and colorful, not as over-the-top as most palaces.

A painting of the Schloss and gardens, including swans.

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