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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Mespelbrunn Castle

Saturday, June 20, 2015 

Our P-day Activity this week was with Elder Gordon & Sister June Smith (from Orem). A former mission president in the Philippines, he now serves here as the Infield Representative, consulting with  all mission presidents concerning any missionary problems in the European missions. (Our friends, Joseph & Alisyn Boone had this same assignment a few years ago.)

Smiths were so impressed with how much fun we had with our selfie stick that they got one soon after this day.

Mespelbrunn Castle is one of the few castles still with a moat. There must be some sort of legend about witches associated with the Spessart Forest because we saw souvenier witches in the gift shop. Of course, witches live in the forest, right?

You can see the wooden draw bridge just after the cobblestone bridge.

It is obvious that hunting and feasting were vital to their way of life. 

Vintage collections of weapons were displayed with armor.

We haven't seen a wild boar on the wall before! He was probably created so fierce-looking because everyone would want a tasty roast pork feast and then he'd become extinct!

The castle's chapel was small but beautiful.

In many castles we've seen furniture with intricately inlaid wood.

This is a water fountain making use of a spring. Antler "trophies" were everywhere. This one was displayed very creatively.

A Family Group Sheet! 

These people knew the importance of family lineage way back then!  In the family portraits shown in this castle, from the earliest years right down to the present time, each person was identified with his own crest, painted right into the picture either depicted as decoration on their clothing or in the corner of the painting. Apparently, at birth they were given a crest along with a name.

The tour was given in German so we were left to a printed sheet of inadequate information in English. We could see here that the castle was built in the year 1564.

Even though it was cool and overcast, it was so beautiful!

There seems to be a theme of swans in many of the castles. This goes right along with the swans in fairy tales, many of which, as we've learned, originated in Germany.

Mespelbrunn is a Schloss which indicates that it was meant as a royal residence rather than being built for defense. Many of these are still being used by the families to whom they belong. It is not cheap to maintain these properties which is one reason visitors are admitted for tours.  Only part of this castle is open for tours; it is evident that the rest is closed off for private use.
Such a cute boy selling tickets in his tiny ticket booth.

There was a little bakery/cafe on the property so, naturally on this very cool day we had to stop in for hot chocolate and a slice of rhubarb kuchen and apfelstrudel...yum!

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