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Monday, June 15, 2015


Today, June 15th is a big day of celebration in England, but we all should acknowledge and celebrate this day! We wouldn't have been aware of this if we hadn't been with Elder Joseph & Sister Alisyn Boone who took us to visit Runnymede, named for the geographical area it is in which is just outside of Windsor, England and 20 miles west of central London.

Today is the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta.  When we saw the monument in May it was covered with scaffolding to spiff it up for this celebration, so I got a couple of pictures from the internet in order to see it better.

We didn't know much about it, so I Googled it to share with you here.

In 1215 England was in political turmoil. King John had become vastly unpopular because of the high taxes he imposed upon the people. Barons and members of the clergy had been putting pressure on the king for years. Finally, when they seized control of London, the king had no choice but to negotiate. He met with the Barons to hear their demands and agreed to sign their proposal. The Magna Carta held the king accountable to the law just as his subjects were. This document listed individual rights and freedoms which have provided inspiration for many important constitutional documents, including the Bill of Rights.

The Magna Carta is called the foundation of modern democracy, laying the groundwork for the liberties we enjoy today.

The celebration taking place today at Runnymede, England which is on a country road, had 4,500 invited guests with a ceremony in the morning and many afternoon events. It would have been fun to be there!

Right nearby is another memorial which probably most of us don't even know about...we sure didn't! When John F Kennedy died, Queen Elizabeth honored him by placing a monument on an acre of land which she donated to the United States of America. So when we visited this site, we were standing on American soil! Each element of the memorial site was carefully planned to be symbolic. It was dedicated by the Queen in May 1965 with Jackie Kennedy and children present.

The monument is inscribed a quotation from JFK's inaugural speech:

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend or oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and success of liberty."

The Magna Carta is mentioned in the Doctrine & Covenants!  D&C 135: 7   "...and their [meaning Joseph & Hyrum] innocent blood on the banner of liberty, and on the magna charta of the United States, is an ambassador for the religion of Jesus Christ..."

Hooray for the fore bearers of freedom!!! We all thank you!!! Let freedom reign!!!

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