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Monday, April 6, 2015

Interesting Tidbits

One of the things I was definitely NOT excited about when I learned we would be serving a mission in the Europe Area Office is just that: being in an office, sitting at a desk all day! Some days it has truly been a challenge for me, but Ken is used to it!

However, there are times of renewal; these activities are held weekly:
Devotional every Monday morning 9 am in the Chapel of the Church Building (just a stone's throw from the Office building and our apartment building) for the Missionaries and the Church Employees.
Book of Mormon class taught by Elder Armand Johansen, amazing instructor from Orem, assigned here as Executive Secretary to the Area President, a lawyer & former Institute teacher.
Sisters Discussion group a number of Sisters meet to discuss conference talks.
Culture Class - none at the current time because the local sister who taught it is caring for her very ill husband...sad, for her and for me.
Basketball - the Senior Elders play basketball one evening a week. (Isn't that typical? From the time we are Deacons/Beehives, the girls have wonderful activities and the boys play basketball!) Ken gave this up after two weeks because he injured his knee which he is still having problems with.
Walks with a group of Sisters in the nearby beautifully-kept cemetery at noon several times a week.

Zone Activities (for Senior Missionaries) The Missionary couples here work diligently, but get together often to enjoy the camaraderie. These activities are held monthly:
Evening Devotional (longer one)
Family Home Evening fun night
Temple trip and dinner out
Zone Conference every 3 months
Travel - Saturdays/holidays couples travel together on short trips to visit the interesting places within the acceptable 500 kilometer circumference around the Area Office in Frankfurt. Often we'll get an email saying someone is planning a trip somewhere, does anyone want to join them?

The Zone Leaders are the Harrisons, from Orem, who are in charge of Real Estate (arrange for Senior missionary comings/goings and arrange for Ward/Branch meeting places all over Europe). They served as Mission President in Russia before this, still quite a young couple. The Assistant Zone Leaders are the Dittmars, our great friends whom we first met in the Grandview South 18th Ward and who served with us a number of years (costumes) at the Hill Cumorah Pageant. They will only be here for about 3 more months, but we are grateful to have that much time with them. Actually, because Ed Dittmar is a native German, we have learned a great deal from him about the German culture.

I was told that this is really the Cadillac of missions to serve. Since we haven't been on any others, I have nothing else with which to compare it, but I believe it from all I've learned. Sister Greenwood from Pleasant Grove, wife of the physician here assigned as the Europe Area medical advisor, told me that physicians have signed up for their position for the next 6 years! They are almost finished with their mission. They get to travel probably more than most of us because they check out the medical facilities in every mission so they can recommend the best treatment centers for missionaries who need medical care.

On Wednesday, March 18, we had our "Arrival Interview" with Elder Tim Dyches, 2nd counselor in the Area Presidency, 2nd Quorum of Seventy, who offered the opening prayer in the first session of General Conference on Sat Apr 4. We are not under the supervision of a mission president, but the Area President (Elder Jose Texeiria, of the 1st Quorum of the Seventy, who spoke in General Conference. We heard that he is due for a change of assignments; we haven't yet met him.

We've been told that there are many couples everywhere in Europe (I'm sure in the whole world) who have just been released, or are about to be released with no one to replace them. The alternative is to get local members to fill in, but the couple missionaries are able to do a better job because they are energetic and fully committed and they have 100% of their time to commit to the work.

One Sister told me today that it was hard keeping up when they first came  here. Elder Kearon, 1st Counselor in the Area Presidency, told them, "Be patient. You have already shown the Lord you are ready and willing. You are here at great personal sacrifice and expense. You aren't on a time clock. Just be patient and the Lord will work through you to find your mission here."

(Tuesday, March 10) Today is exactly one month since our arrival! We have made slow but steady, incrementally upward adjustments to life in a vastly different environment. We are learning daily about the German culture, life in a teeny tiny apartment, and what path we should take in helping the LDS FS program to progress in 40 of the European countries. But still we are amazed occasionally to realize where we are and still wonder at times what we are doing here!

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